Source code for pynta.controller.devices.photonicscience.scmoscam

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Photonic Science GEVSCMOS
    Driver for Photonic Science Cameras (Pleora GEV). This driver was originally written by Perceval Guillou
    <>, in Py2 and has been successfully tested with scmoscontrol.dll SCMOS Pleora (GEV)
    control dll (x86 )v5.6.0.0 (date modified 10/2/2013)

    This version copyright: Sanli Faez <>

    .. todo:: The coding style is not in line with the rest of PyNTA. The GEVSMOS class can be cleaned up and documented

import ctypes as C
import os
import sys
from sys import platform

if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
elif platform == "darwin":
elif platform == "win32":
    from _ctypes import LoadLibrary, FreeLibrary

import numpy

NUMPY_MODES = {"L": numpy.uint8, "I;16": numpy.uint16}

[docs]class GEVSCMOS: def __init__(self, cwd_path, name): self.cwd_path = cwd_path # working directory = name # Monitor name = folder where DLL and settings are stored self.setup_file = "%s\\%s\\PSL_camera_files\\ps_setup.dat" % (cwd_path, name) self.dll_name = self.GetDLL() self.dll = None self.LoadCamDLL() self.ResetOptions() def __str__(self): msg = "Monitor setting located in %s" % (self.setup_file) return msg
[docs] def GetDLL(self): FileList = os.listdir('%s\\%s' % (self.cwd_path, count = 0 for file in FileList: if file[-4:] == ".dll": dll_name = file count += 1 if count == 0: msg = "Check in '%s'\n!!!CAMERA CONTROL DLL NOT FOUND!!!" % self.cwd_path print (msg) return "" elif count > 1: msg = "Check in '%s'\n!!!ONLY ONE DLL FILE MUST EXIST IN THE CAMERA FOLDER!!!" % self.cwd_path print (msg) return "" else: return dll_name
[docs] def LoadCamDLL(self): self.libHandle = LoadLibrary('%s\\%s\\%s' % (self.cwd_path,, self.dll_name)) # self.libHandle = C.windll.kernel32.LoadLibraryA('%s\\%s\\%s'%(self.cwd_path,,self.dll_name)) self.dll = C.CDLL(None, handle=self.libHandle) # cdecl # self.dll = C.WinDLL(None, handle=self.libHandle) #stdcall # self.dll = C.CDLL('%s\\%s\\%s'%(self.cwd_path,,self.dll_name)) self.InitFunctions()
[docs] def UnloadCamDLL(self): del self.dll self.dll = None FreeLibrary(self.libHandle)
# C.windll.kernel32.FreeLibrary(self.libHandle)
[docs] def ResetOptions(self): self.mode = "I;16" self.size = (0, 0) self.sizemax = (1919, 1079) self.state = 0 self.abort_flag = False self.remapping = False self.smooth = False self.clip = True self.SubArea = (0, 0, 0, 0) self.SoftBin = (1, 1) self.gainmode = 0 self.expous = 100000 self.FlatAverage = 10 self.GlobalRemap = False self.tempread = True # self.is2tap = False # 0 = gain mode 1 - 16 bit # 1 = gain mode 2 - 16 bit # 2 = gain mode 10 - 16 bit # 3 = gain mode 30 - 16 bit # 4 = combined (1 and 30) in software - 24 => Demangle => 16 bit # 5 = combined in hardware - 16 bit # 6 = gain mode 1 - 8 bit # 7 = gain mode 2 - 8 bit # 8 = gain mode 10 - 8 bit # 9 = gain mode 30 - 8 bit # 10= combined in hardware - 8bit if self.IsInCamCor(): if self.Has8bitGainModes(): gainmodes = ['gain1', 'gain2', 'gain10', 'gain30', 'gain1+30_Hardware', 'gain1_8b', 'gain2_8b', 'gain10_8b', 'gain30_8b', 'gain1+30_8b'] else: gainmodes = ['gain1', 'gain2', 'gain10', 'gain30', 'gain1+30_Hardware'] else: if self.Has8bitGainModes(): gainmodes = ['gain1', 'gain2', 'gain10', 'gain30', 'gain1+30', 'gain1_8b', 'gain2_8b', 'gain10_8b', 'gain30_8b'] else: gainmodes = ['gain1', 'gain2', 'gain10', 'gain30', 'gain1+30'] if self.HasClockSpeedLimit(): clockspeedmodes = ['50MHz'] else: clockspeedmodes = ['50MHz', '100MHz'] # ,'200MHz' # self.flipdata = self.IsFlipped() self.Options = { 'TriggerMode': ['FreeRunning', 'Software', 'Hardware_Falling', 'Hardware_Rising'], 'ClockSpeedMode': clockspeedmodes, 'GainMode': gainmodes, 'PowerSavingMode': ['PowerOn', 'PowerOff', 'CoolingOff'], # 'VideoGain' :[0,100], 'IntensifierGain': [1, 100], # 'ChipGain' :[1,100], 'SoftBin': [(1, 1), (1040, 1040)], 'SubArea': [(0, 0, 0, 0)], 'Exposure': [(100, 'Millisec'), (4294967, ['Microsec', 'Millisec', 'Second'])], 'Temperature': [0, 0], 'Offset': [1], 'BrightPixel': [1], 'FlatField': [0], 'MakeFlat': [None], 'FlatAverage': [10, 1000], 'Remapping': [0], 'Smooth': [0], 'Clip': [0], 'Sharpening': [0], 'AutoLevel': [0], 'ALC_maxexp': [1000, 65535], 'ALC_win': [(0, 0, 1919, 1079)], 'BestFit': [0], 'BF_Peek': [1000, 65535], 'IF_delay': [0, 65535], 'BinningFilter': [0], 'AutoBinning': [0], 'Gamma': [0], 'GammaPeak': [0, 100], 'GammaBright': [0, 100], # 'FlickerMode' :['Off','50MHz','60MHz'], }
[docs] def InitFunctions(self): # Buffer self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_image_pointer.restype = C.POINTER(C.c_char) # ushort self.dll.PSL_VHR_demangle_rgb24_into_16bit_image.restype = C.POINTER(C.c_char) # ushort self.dll.PSL_VHR_remap_image.restype = C.POINTER(C.c_char) # ushort self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_pointer_to_safebufferA.restype = C.POINTER(C.c_char) # ushort self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_pointer_to_safebufferB.restype = C.POINTER(C.c_char) # ushort self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_pointer_to_safebufferC.restype = C.POINTER(C.c_char) # ushort # Bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_Open.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_open_map.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_Close.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_speed.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_video_gain.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_chip_gain.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_exposure.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_trigger_mode.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_sub_area_coordinates.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_offset_subtraction.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_bright_pixel_correction.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_flat_field_correction.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_Snap_and_return.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_Get_snap_status.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_abort_snap.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_apply_post_snap_processing.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_gamma.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gamma_gain_bright.restype = C.c_bool self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gamma_gain_brightness.restype = C.c_bool
# self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_flicker_mode.restype = C.c_bool
[docs] def IsInCamCor(self): isincamcor = 0 try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option.lower() in ["onboardcorrectionssupported", "incameracorrections"]: isincamcor = int(value) break except: pass return bool(isincamcor)
[docs] def IsFlipped(self): isflip = 0 try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option.lower() in ["swflipimage"]: isflip = int(value) break except: pass return bool(isflip)
[docs] def GetRemapSize(self): remapsize = None try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() Nx, Ny = (0, 0) for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option in ["Submapwidth", "submapwidth"]: Nx = int(value) if option in ["Submapheight", "submapheight"]: Ny = int(value) break remapsize = Nx, Ny except: pass # print "remap size is (%s,%s)"%remapsize return remapsize
[docs] def HasIntensifier(self): intensifier_value = 1 try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option in ["intensifiergaincanbeset", "IntensifierGainCanBeSet", "HasIntensifier", "hasintensifier"]: intensifier_value = int(value) break except: pass return bool(intensifier_value)
[docs] def HasTemperature(self): tempset = None tempread = None try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option in ["TemperatureCanBeSet", "temperaturecanbeset"]: tempset = int(value) if option in ["TemperatureCanBeRead", "temperaturecanberead"]: tempread = int(value) if tempset == 1: return [-30, 50] elif tempset == 0: return [0, 0] elif tempread == 1: return [0, 0] elif tempread == 0: return None else: return [-30, 50] except: return [-30, 50]
[docs] def HasHPMapping(self): use_hpm_remap = 0 try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option in ["viewer_use_hp_mapping"]: use_hpm_remap = int(value) break except: print ("HasHPMapping: %s: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) return bool(use_hpm_remap)
[docs] def HasBinning(self): use_binning = 1 try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option in ["binning_supported"]: use_binning = int(value) break except: print ("HasBinning: %s: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) return bool(use_binning)
[docs] def HasClockSpeedLimit(self): clockspeedlimit = 0 try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option.lower() in ["hasclockspeedlimit", "clockspeedlimit"]: clockspeedlimit = int(value) break except: pass return bool(clockspeedlimit)
[docs] def Has8bitGainModes(self): has8bit = 1 try: fich = open(self.setup_file, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option.lower() in ["remove_8bit_gainmodes"]: if int(value) == 0: has8bit = 1 else: has8bit = 0 break except: pass return bool(has8bit)
# ------ CAMERA PROPERTIES ---------------------------------
[docs] def GetName(self): return
[docs] def GetDLLName(self): return self.dll_name
[docs] def GetMode(self): return self.mode
[docs] def GetState(self): return self.state
[docs] def GetPedestal(self): return self.pedestal
[docs] def GetOptions(self): return self.Options.keys()
[docs] def GetSize(self): return self.size
[docs] def GetSizeMax(self): return self.sizemax
[docs] def UpdateSizeMax(self): Nx = self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_maximum_width() Ny = self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_maximum_height() self.sizemax = (Nx, Ny) return self.sizemax
[docs] def UpdateSize(self): Nx = self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_width() Ny = self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_height() self.size = (Nx, Ny)
# ----- Specificities -----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def SelectIportDevice(self): path = "%s\\%s\\IPconf.dat" % (self.cwd_path, if os.path.exists(path): self.IP_add = "" self.mac_add = "" self.IsIport = True fich = open(path, 'r') lines = fich.readlines() fich.close() for line in lines: (option, sep, value) = line.strip().partition('=') if option == "MAC": self.mac_add = value elif option == "IP": self.IP_add = value if self.mac_add == "" or self.IP_add == "": self.dll.PSL_VHR_select_IPORT_device("", "") else: self.dll.PSL_VHR_select_IPORT_device(self.mac_add, "[%s]" % self.IP_add) return True else: self.IsIport = False return False
# -------- CAMERA STANTARD FUNCTIONS ------------------
[docs] def Open(self): path = "%s\\%s\\PSL_camera_files" % (self.cwd_path, self.SelectIportDevice() if self.dll.PSL_VHR_Open(str(path)): if not self.OpenMap(): # del self.Options['Remapping'] pass if not self.IsIntensifier(): del self.Options['IntensifierGain'] Temp = self.HasTemperature() if Temp == None: self.tempread = False else: self.tempread = True (Nx, Ny) = self.UpdateSizeMax() self.Options["SubArea"][0] = (0, 0, Nx - 1, Ny - 1) self.Options["ALC_win"][0] = (0, 0, Nx - 1, Ny - 1) self.SetSubArea(0, 0, Nx - 1, Ny - 1) self.UpdateSize() return 0 else: return 1
[docs] def Close(self): self.dll.PSL_VHR_Close() self.UnloadCamDLL()
[docs] def SetSubArea(self, left, top, right, bottom): self.SubArea = (left, top, right, bottom) rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_sub_area_coordinates(left, right, top, bottom) self.UpdateSize() return rep
[docs] def SetSoftBin(self, Sx, Sy): self.SoftBin = (Sx, Sy)
[docs] def SetExposure(self, expo, unit): if unit == "Second": self.expous = expo * 1000000 elif unit == "Millisec": self.expous = expo * 1000 elif unit == "Microsec": self.expous = expo ans = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_exposure(self.expous) # print "SetExposure ",,expo,unit,self.expous,type(self.expous),ans return ans
[docs] def SetTrigger(self, mode): if mode == "FreeRunning": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_trigger_mode(0) elif mode == "Software": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_trigger_mode(1) elif mode == "Hardware_Falling": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_trigger_mode(2) elif mode == "Hardware_Rising": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_trigger_mode(6) elif mode == "Pipeline_Master": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_trigger_mode(16) elif mode == "Pipeline_Slave": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_trigger_mode(18) else: return "Trigger mode not valid"
[docs] def SetGainMode(self, mode): # 0 = gain mode 1 - 16 bit # 1 = gain mode 2 - 16 bit # 2 = gain mode 10 - 16 bit # 3 = gain mode 30 - 16 bit # 4 = combined (1 and 30) in software - 24 => Demangle => 16 bit # 5 = combined in hardware - 16 bit # 6 = gain mode 1 - 8 bit # 7 = gain mode 2 - 8 bit # 8 = gain mode 10 - 8 bit # 9 = gain mode 30 - 8 bit # 10= combined in hardware - 8bit if mode == 'gain1': self.gainmode = 0 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(0) elif mode == 'gain2': self.gainmode = 1 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(1) elif mode == 'gain10': self.gainmode = 2 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(2) elif mode == 'gain30': self.gainmode = 3 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(3) elif mode == 'gain1+30': self.gainmode = 4 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(4) elif mode == 'gain1+30_Hardware': self.gainmode = 5 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(5) elif mode == 'gain1_8b': self.gainmode = 6 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(6) elif mode == 'gain2_8b': self.gainmode = 7 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(7) elif mode == 'gain10_8b': self.gainmode = 8 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(8) elif mode == 'gain30_8b': self.gainmode = 9 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(9) elif mode == 'gain1+30_8b': self.gainmode = 10 rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gain_mode(10) else: rep = "Gain mode not valid" if self.gainmode in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: self.mode = "I;16" elif self.gainmode in [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]: self.mode = "L" self.UpdateSize() return rep
[docs] def SetVideoGain(self, gain): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_video_gain(gain)
[docs] def SetChipGain(self, gain): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_chip_gain(gain)
[docs] def IsIntensifier(self): return self.HasIntensifier()
[docs] def SetIntensifierGain(self, gain): # SetChipGain return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_chip_gain(gain)
[docs] def SetClockSpeed(self, mode): if mode == '200MHz': return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_speed(2) elif mode == '100MHz': return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_speed(1) elif mode == '50MHz': return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_speed(0) else: return False
[docs] def GetTemperature(self): try: if self.tempread: return self.dll.PSL_VHR_read_CCD_temperature() else: return None except: return None
[docs] def SetTemperature(self, temp): return False
[docs] def SetPowerSavingMode(self, mode): try: if mode == 'PowerOn': return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_power_saving_mode(1) elif mode == 'PowerOff': return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_power_saving_mode(0) elif mode == 'CoolingOff': return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_power_saving_mode(2) except: print ("Cannot apply PowerSavingMode %s" % mode)
# -------- IMAGE ACQUISITION--------------------------------
[docs] def Snap(self): self.state = 1 self.abort_flag = False rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_Snap_and_return() while not self.dll.PSL_VHR_Get_snap_status(): pass self.state = 0 return rep
[docs] def SnapAndReturn(self): self.abort_flag = False rep = self.dll.PSL_VHR_Snap_and_return() return rep
[docs] def GetStatus(self): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_Get_snap_status()
[docs] def AbortSnap(self): self.abort_flag = True self.state = 0 return self.dll.PSL_VHR_abort_snap()
[docs] def GetImagePointer(self): imp = self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_image_pointer() self.dll.PSL_VHR_transfer_to_safebufferC(imp) return self.dll.PSL_VHR_get_pointer_to_safebufferC()
[docs] def GetRawImage(self): imp = self.GetImagePointer() (Nx, Ny) = self.GetSize() if self.gainmode in [0, 1, 2, 3]: depth = 2 elif self.gainmode == 4: depth = 3 else: depth = 1 return ((Nx, Ny), imp[0:depth * Nx * Ny])
[docs] def GetImage(self, imp=None): if imp == None: imp = self.GetImagePointer() (Nx, Ny) = self.GetSize() if self.gainmode in [0, 1, 2, 3]: self.dll.PSL_VHR_apply_post_snap_processing(imp) depth = 2 elif self.gainmode == 4: (Nx, Ny), imp = self.Demangle(imp, Nx, Ny) depth = 2 elif self.gainmode == 5: self.dll.PSL_VHR_apply_post_snap_processing(imp) depth = 2 elif self.gainmode in [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]: depth = 1 if self.remapping and not self.GlobalRemap: (Nx, Ny), imp = self.Remap(imp, Nx, Ny) if self.SoftBin != (1, 1): Nx, Ny = self.SoftBinImage(imp, Nx, Ny) return ((Nx, Ny), imp[0:depth * Nx * Ny])
# -------- CAMERA CORRECTION FUNCTIONS -------------
[docs] def SoftBinImage(self, image_pointer, Nx, Ny): newX = C.c_int(Nx) newY = C.c_int(Ny) Sx, Sy = self.SoftBin if self.gainmode in [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]: self.dll.PSL_VHR_software_bin_8bit_image(image_pointer, C.byref(newX), C.byref(newY), Sx, Sy) else: self.dll.PSL_VHR_software_bin_image(image_pointer, C.byref(newX), C.byref(newY), Sx, Sy) Nx, Ny = newX.value, newY.value return (Nx, Ny)
[docs] def OpenMap(self, file_name=""): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_open_map(file_name)
[docs] def Remap(self, image_pointer, Nx, Ny): newX = C.c_int(Nx) newY = C.c_int(Ny) # if self.is2tap: # imp = self.dll.PSL_VHR_remap_double_image(image_pointer,C.byref(newX),C.byref(newY),self.smooth, self.clip) # else: imp = self.dll.PSL_VHR_remap_image(image_pointer, C.byref(newX), C.byref(newY), self.smooth, self.clip) return ((newX.value, newY.value), imp)
[docs] def Demangle(self, image_pointer, Nx, Ny): newX = C.c_int(Nx) newY = C.c_int(Ny) imp = self.dll.PSL_VHR_demangle_rgb24_into_16bit_image(image_pointer, C.byref(newX), C.byref(newY)) return ((newX.value, newY.value), imp)
[docs] def EnableRemapping(self, enable): self.remapping = enable return True
[docs] def EnableSmooth(self, enable): self.smooth = bool(enable) return True
[docs] def EnableClip(self, enable): self.clip = bool(enable) return True
[docs] def EnableOffset(self, enable): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_offset_subtraction(enable)
[docs] def EnableBrightPixel(self, enable): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_bright_pixel_correction(enable)
[docs] def EnableFlatField(self, enable): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_flat_field_correction(enable)
[docs] def MakeFlatField(self): try: if self.dll.PSL_VHR_generate_flat_field_image(self.FlatAverage): return True else: return False except: return False
[docs] def SetFlatAverage(self, average_number): self.FlatAverage = average_number return True
[docs] def EnableStreaming(self, enable): self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_image_streaming(C.c_bool(enable)) # print "Streaming",enable,self return True
[docs] def InitSequence(self, imnum): self.SeqLen = imnum self.dll.PSL_VHR_initialise_sequence_storage(C.c_uint(self.SeqLen))
[docs] def SnapSequence(self): self.dll.PSL_VHR_snap_sequence(C.c_uint(self.SeqLen))
[docs] def GetSequencePointer(self, id): self.PSL_VHR_get_sequence_image_pointer(C.byref(, C.c_uint(id)) return
[docs] def FreeSequence(self): self.dll.PSL_VHR_free_sequence_storage()
[docs] def SaveSequence(self): self.dll.PSL_VHR_save_sequence_as_multiple_flf_files(C.c_uint(self.SeqLen))
[docs] def EnableSharpening(self, enable): self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_sharpening(enable) return True
[docs] def EnableAutoLevel(self, enable): self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_ALC(enable) return True
[docs] def SetALCMaxExp(self, maxexp): self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_ALC_max_exp(maxexp) return True
[docs] def SetALCWin(self, l, t, r, b): self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_ALC_window_coords(l, t, r, b) return True
[docs] def EnableBestFit(self, enable): self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_bestfit(enable) return True
[docs] def SetBFPeek(self, peek): self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_bestfit_peek(peek) return True
[docs] def SetIFDelay(self, delay): self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_delay_between_images(delay) return True
[docs] def EnableBinningFilter(self, enable): try: self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_binning_filter(enable) return True except: return False
[docs] def AutoBinningFilter(self, enable): try: self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_auto_binning_filter(enable) return True except: return False
[docs] def EnableGamma(self, enable): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_enable_gamma(enable)
[docs] def SetGammaPeak(self, value): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gamma_gain_bright(value)
[docs] def SetGammaBright(self, value): return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_gamma_gain_brightness(value)
[docs] def SetFlickerMode(self, value): if value == "Off": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_flicker_mode(0) elif value == "50MHz": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_flicker_mode(1) elif value == "60MHz": return self.dll.PSL_VHR_set_flicker_mode(2)
if __name__ == '__main__': from PIL import Image import numpy NUMPY_MODES = {"L": numpy.uint8, "I;16": numpy.uint16} def PILfromArray(newarr, mode='I;16'): return Image.fromarray(newarr, mode) def arrayFromBuffer(data, size, mode='I;16'): w, h = size return numpy.frombuffer(data, NUMPY_MODES[mode]).reshape((h, w)) cam = GEVSCMOS(".", "SCMOS") cam.Open() # ======= Init camera setup cam.SetClockSpeed('50MHz') cam.SetGainMode("gain1") cam.SetTrigger("FreeRunning") cam.EnableAutoLevel(0) cam.SetExposure(2, "Millisec") # ======= Acquire Image cam.Snap() # cam.Snap() size, data = cam.GetImage() mode = cam.GetMode() # ====== Buffer to Numpy array arry = arrayFromBuffer(data, size) arry8 = arry * (255 / 65535.) arry8 = arry8.astype(numpy.uint8) # ======== Array to PIL Image pil16 = PILfromArray(arry, mode) # 16bit image pil8 = PILfromArray(arry8, 'L') # 8bit image # save the images #"test16.tiff")"test8.tiff") cam.Close()